In Chile, with the majority of real estate transactions, especially when it comes down to rural real estate, it is imperative to conduct “land title studies” to ensure there are no encumbrances on the real estate asset. This encumbrances can come in the form of leans, inheritance issues that make the land unsellable, or in some part of Chile, indigenous rights on properties that prevent a land to be sold. That is why the attorneys at our office provide this pre-sale & purchase service, to ensure our clientele that the peace of land they transact on is free of nuisances.
In Chile this land title search is performed at the county in were the property is located. Chains of title and deed information can be found at the local county office. This documents can usually be ordered for a fee, but in some circumstances our attorneys need to personally visit the county offices when the titles re not fully traceable.
At the Law offices of Simon Marin, we review this title documents and guide buyers and sellers in purchase procedures through escrow, negotiating with the other parties as necessary, disputing unfavorable terms in purchase agreements and ensuring that titles are clean and contingencies are removed prior to closing. We also file lawsuits in the event of a breach of contract by seller or purchaser when needed.
We also assist our foreign clients with property appraisals reports in Chile to ensure that the fairness of the real estate value through a reliable networks of commercial and real estate property experts.